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Why your business needs a website redesign to get results

By Jake Johnston

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    Let your website do the hard work

    In today's fiercely competitive digital world, your business website is more than just your online presence, it’s your most powerful tool for generating revenue online. With many businesses struggling to stay competitive; could a beautifully designed and highly functional website be the key to reaching new heights?

    Is your website holding you back?

    Is it time to go back to the drawing board when it comes to your website? This is a question that many business owners ask themselves daily.

    In truth, your website isn't something that can stand still, website design and development have evolved so quickly alongside online habits; it’s crucial for the success of your business that you don’t get left behind. 

    In this blog, we will focus on the key differences between a website redesign and a website refresh alongside some indicators that it might be time to give a website redesign some thought.

    What is a website redesign?

    A website redesign is the process of updating and upgrading your website to increase its performance and visual appeal.

    At a glance, you might think a website redesign is merely a facelift, achieved by updating the visual elements such as fonts, colours and imagery. However, it’s also important to understand that a website redesign offers a rare opportunity to reimagine your website's structure, content and overall user experience.

    The scale of a website redesign largely depends on the goals of your business and the reasoning behind the redesign. Are you looking to update your branding and want to reflect your new identity while keeping the overall website structure intact? Or does your website require a complete overhaul of its structure, visual appearance and content to stay competitive in a crowded marketplace?

    The likelihood is, since you’re reading this, you’re probably considering some form of website redesign. Whether this be a minor refresh or a complete rethink, by the end of this blog, you will have a better understanding of what’s right for your business.

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    Website redesign vs website refresh: what’s right for your business?

    Deciding between a simple website refresh or an in-depth website redesign comes down to several factors and varies from business to business. Before you begin to dive deeper into this, it’s worth considering the following:

    • Is your website performing as well as you would like it to?
    • Is your website easy to navigate?
    • Is your website visible on search engines?
    • What impression do you think your website gives to visitors?
    • Is your website easy to keep updated?
    • Is your website secure?

    At JUMP, our website designers and developers are experts in creating bespoke website solutions that align seamlessly with your business objectives, getting your business in front of your customers and most importantly, driving revenue.

    Looking for a website design partner? We can help, get in touch today!

    When to choose a website redesign

    A website redesign considers everything from the content, structure, appearance and overall user experience of your website.

    In simple terms, this involves strategically rebuilding your website from the ground upwards, meaning that the possibilities are endless and those shiny features and functionalities that just weren’t possible to integrate into your old website, can now be brought in.

    Often, a website redesign will involve moving onto a new or updated content management system (CMS), to help make sure you can continue to update your website in the new design and style. It’s also considered a non-negotiable for a modern website design to be fully responsive to take advantage of the sheer volume of users on mobile devices.

    For most businesses, a website redesign is that well-needed upgrade that you didn’t know you needed until you got it. Here are some reasons that you might consider a website redesign:

    • Your website isn’t performing well.
    • The user experience needs to improve to get your audience to engage.
    • Your website is visually outdated.
    • Your current website isn’t reflective of your business.

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    Illustration of multi coloured dots changing formation

    When to choose a website refresh

    A website refresh is less in-depth than a complete redesign and can prove to be a quick and less expensive alternative. However, it's important to understand that if your website is in desperate need of a redesign, giving it a refresh will likely only resolve the issue momentarily, if at all.

    During a website refresh, the overall structure of your website doesn’t change, you will instead be looking for ways that you can improve what already exists, whether this be through an updated appearance or refining and updating the content that populates the website to align better with your business objectives.

    Although a website refresh can be a beneficial exercise, it's a quick fix and often isn’t the best option for your business, especially if you’re looking to futureproof. High-performing websites can often get away with a refresh, major players like Apple will refresh all the time to keep up to date with current trends and emerging technologies, however for many businesses this simply isn’t feasible.

    Here are some signs that a website refresh may be suitable:

    • There are imbalances in your content performance
    • Your website is performing but looks dated
    • You’ve had a rebrand and want the appearance of your website to reflect this

    If you’re looking for a website refresh, our marketing and design teams are happy to support you. Get in touch with us to learn more about how a website refresh or a redesign can take your business to new heights.

    Or, learn more about getting a website redesign throughout the rest of our blog below.

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    Graphic illustration of various signs representing the different signs that your business might consider a new website design.

    Telltale signs your business needs a website redesign

    If you still aren’t certain if a website redesign is right for your business, we have some things that might resonate with you! Here are just a few reasons that you might need to consider a website redesign:

    Your website isn’t responsive

    According to a recent study, over 60% of website traffic in 2024 came from mobile devices, it is therefore critical that your website is built responsively to cater to the majority of your visitors. If your website isn’t optimised for all users, you’ve got a problem.

    Adopting a responsive approach to your website redesign will both enhance the user experience and increase your website's visibility on popular search engines like Google. On top of this, users are 67% more likely to purchase from a site that’s mobile-friendly.

    Here at JUMP, we build all of our sites with a responsive approach, meaning that we prioritise the viewing experience of all visitors, regardless of the device they’re using.

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    Your website design looks dated

    Alongside the overall functionality of your website, the design and visual appearance are pivotal when it comes to performance.

    First impressions are important, especially when it comes to your website, a recent statistic from Semrush notes that half of internet users formulate their opinion on a business based on website design. Take a moment to think about what the visitor will think about your business when they arrive on a website that looks like something from the last millennium.

    Website design has come a long way over the past few years, with design trends coming and going, it's therefore vital that you look to incorporate the latest features and functionality alongside an up-to-date design that will stand the test of time.

    Your customers can’t find what they’re looking for

    Remember you’ve only got someone’s attention until you haven’t!

    The structure of your website is something that shouldn’t be overlooked, from the initial moment that a visitor arrives on your website, it should be easy for them to locate what they’re looking for and take action. If your website structure is wrong, there’s very little that a refresh will do for your business.

    During a website redesign, our website designers, web developers and marketing team study your customers in-depth before making informed decisions to positively impact how your customers interact with your website, whether this be through design elements, architecture, functionality or the content that populates your site. 

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    Illustration of different polka dots style graphics in multiple colours

    Your business website isn't showing up in search engines

    Have you ever wondered how certain websites seem to dominate the top of search engines? With less than 1% of internet users getting to the second page of search results, it's fundamental to your website's success that you rank as highly as possible.

    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the process of optimising your website so that it is visible on search engines like Google; this is primarily achieved through the inclusion of specific keywords that are relevant to your offering, alongside some more technical elements that can only be achieved through a well developed and maintained website.

    Many different elements of a website can affect its SEO; from mobile-friendliness as previously mentioned, to page loading times and of course the quality and relevance of your content.

    In short, an outdated website will likely not meet current SEO best practices, leading to lower search engine rankings and reduced visibility. Keeping your website updated with keyword-rich and high-quality content will help improve your SEO and keep you competitive.

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    You’re struggling to keep your website up-to-date

    Your website should act as the beating heart of your business, the place where you can focus all of your digital marketing efforts and your customers' one-stop shop to discover everything about your business and its offerings.

    An important component of your website is the Content Management System (CMS) or backend, this is the place where all of your content is managed, stored and updated. Ideally, your CMS should be flexible to the needs of your business, with functionalities to make it easy for your marketing team to keep your website up-to-date and your customers in the loop.

    Regularly updating your content is crucial, not only for SEO but also to keep your website relevant. Remember, the primary function of your website is to promote your business and inform your customers, outdated content is therefore going to be a major stumbling block for your business.

    Your website has a low conversion rate

    A key indicator that you probably need a website redesign is when you are seeing little to no customer interaction. If you’re struggling to get visitors to your website in the first place then how do you expect to convert them into customers? 

    There are a host of possible issues from frustratingly slow loading times to user experience (UX) issues. With so much to think about, how do you possibly identify why your website isn’t converting? 

    The best way to identify the problem is through data and analytics, studying the customer journey and identifying ways to improve the experience of the end user.

    At JUMP, we build our websites with the main purpose of engaging and nurturing visitors into customers. One way that we do this is by streamlining the customer journey; whether this be through the placement of contact forms or bespoke buttons, we consider everything that might improve that process while giving the highest chance of success.

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    How will a website redesign help my business? 

    A website redesign will positively impact your business in numerous ways.

    Developing a digital presence is key to attracting and nurturing customers while maintaining your company's credibility, particularly in today’s digital era.  

    Many businesses leverage the power of social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn while neglecting the biggest piece of the puzzle, their website. Although a social media presence is massively important, it is equally important that the traffic you are driving to your website from your marketing activity is going to stick around. 

    By pairing a marketing strategy with a high-performing and optimised website design you can expect to see results. 

    A website redesign doesn’t need to be difficult

    When redesigning a website there are an array of options available to you. Of course, you could opt for a simple refresh on your existing website design that will fill a hole in the short term but may prove to be costly down the line, or you could decide to go for a website redesign to futureproof your business and support its growth.

    Of course, this process is only as difficult as you make it for yourself! Why not hire an expert team of website designers and developers to create a bespoke website design solution for your business? At JUMP, we have over 17 years of experience creating beautiful websites that deliver results and drive revenue. 

    In partnering with us, you gain access to a full-service website design agency to support you from the initial research stage through to your new website launch and beyond. 

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